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By-Laws of the International Castle Church Community


For many people worldwide, the Castle Church in Wittenberg is an important symbol of the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation and thereby also a symbol for new beginnings in church and community. The “fathers” of the Reformation, Luther and Melanchthon, are buried here. Their statues stand here together with those of their friends and companions. Medals, crests, and the images on stained glass windows here point to the ecumenical, international, and communal dimensions of the Reformation. At the Castle Church there is international and ecumenical worship and prayer, rich church music, and diverse culture and learning. In these endeavors, the Evangelical Church in Germany, the Evangelical Seminary, and the Castle Church Congregation all have an important role.

The International Castle Church Community is being established to support the multifaceted life of th is church and to create a network of those who feel connected to the life of the Castle Church.


The International Castle Church Community brings people from different countries and churches together, who all feel connected to the life of the Castle Church in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. In particular, it promotes spiritual life, culture and education in the Castle Church building complex. Among other things, the Castle Church has multilingual and English speaking worship and devotional services as well as church music.

Legal Status

The International Castle Church Community is a legally dependent organization of the Evangelical Castle Church Congregation in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Funds collected for the purposes of the International Castle Church Community are designated as special funds of the Castle Church Congregation to be utilized in pursuit of the goal described in § 1, and in accordance with these by-laws. The administration as well as the cash and account management of the special funds is regulated by are held under the budget, cash a nd account guidelines set forth in the Evangelical Church in Middle Germany’s Church Laws and administrative regulations.


Membership in the International Castle Church Community is for any individual and legal person who, in written agreement, affir ms membership in the International Castle Church Community and agrees to its by-laws. The board of trustees holds the right to decline a membership. Members strengthen the connection between their region, their context and Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Members support the life of the Castle Church through freewill donations.

Members of the International Castle Church Community will be informed regularly of activities and developments at the Castle Church.

Board of Trustees

A board of trustees will be established for the International Castle Church Community.

The board will consist of the following members:

1. The pastor of the Castle Church Congregation
2. One church musician of the Castle Church

One member designated by each of these groups:
3. the Church Council of the Castle Church Congregation
4. the Wittenberg Evangelical Preaching Seminary
5. the Evangelical Church in Germany
6. the Lutheran World Federation
7. the Evangelical Academy
8. the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Wittenberg English Ministry
9. the Danish Lutheran Church in Haderslev

10 - 12. The board may appoint one to three additional international members.

The board provides information to members of the International Castle Church Community concerning current activities and developments of the C
astle Church. It initiates and coordinates the promotion of the International Castle Church Community as presented in § 1 of these by-laws.

The board elects from its body a chairperson and vice-chairperson for a three-year term. Reelection is permitted.
The board will call the board to meet as needed, but at least once per year.
The board has a quorum if, including the chair or vice-chairperson, at least half of the members are present.
The board makes decisions with the majority of those members who are present.

Management und Application of Funds

Management of the funds gathered in accordance with § 2 will be kept in a separate accounting book established under the general accounts of the Evangelical Castle Church Congregation. The board of trustees, in compliance with these by-laws and the guidelines for budgets, cash and accounts of the Castle Church congregation, decides on the appropriation of funds. The pastor of the Castle Church Congregation is appointed as the authorizing administrator of this separate accounting book. The church council of the Castle Church Congregation makes decisions, pursuant to the approved budget and accounting procedures regarding the total income and spending of funds managed in the separate accounting book.

Final Provisions

These by-laws come into effect by vote of the Church Council of the Castle Church Congregation.
They require church (Ev. Church in Central Germany) supervisory approval. Any changes must be voted upon by the church council. Sugges
tions for changes can be submitted to the church council by the board of trustees of the International Castle Church Community.

Lutherstadt Wittenberg,  February 17., 2013

Cordula Hubrig
Chairman  of  the  Council  of  the  Castle  Church  Congregation

Propst Siegfried T. Kasparick
Chairman  of  the  Board of  the  International  Castle  Church  Community